Special Announcement


Helping Your Child and Adolescent Amidst Mental Health Access to Care Challenges

Minding the Gap:  Helping Your Child and Adolescent Amidst Mental Health Access to Care Challenges

When: Thursday,  March 31, 2022: 8:00 am Wash DC, 3:00 pm Nairobi, 5:30 pm Delhi, 7:00 pm Bangkok
How: Webex: External Participants - (Event Details)     Join Via Webex: Click this link     Meeting number: 2319 594 7231 | Password: uKnZpXBr732

During this session, child psychologist Dr. Steven M. Harner will talk with parents about how to identify when their children are experiencing mental challenges, what services are available, and what steps they can take while "minding the gap." Specifically, this “gap” represents the time lag between when a parent recognizes their child's need for mental health assistance and when they are able to identify and engage appropriate mental health care. This includes how to identify urgent and emergency situations; understanding what constitutes the "treatment team" beyond health professionals; and how to initiate and maintain effective dialogues with everyone involved. Further, we will cover how to address concerns parents may have which may impede their willingness and ability to seek mental health support when needed. Dr. Harner’s talk will be followed by a moderated panel discussion and interactive Q&A session with the virtual audience during which we hope to explore solutions and engage the audience in a meaningful – and helpful – discussion. (90 minutes)

Opening Remarks: Stuart Fisher, Head, HSD Mental Health & Wellbeing Unit

Speaker: Steven M. Harner, M.S.W., PsyD, Director, Child & Family Associates of Greater Washington


  • Ashikur Rahman, President of Operations, World Bank Group Family Network
  • Idah Pswarayi-Riddihough, WBG Country Director, Mozambique
  • Nadine A. Chapman, Manager, Mediation Services
  • Patricia Evans, MD, MedStar Health
  • Steven M. Harner, M.S.W., PsyD, Director, Child & Family Associates of Greater Washington
  • Stuart Fisher, Head, HSD Mental Health & Wellbeing Unit
  • Moderator: Audrey Michele Wood, HSD, External Affairs Officer

Closing Remarks: Stuart Fisher, Head, HSD Mental Health & Wellbeing Unit

Connection Details for Staff

WBG Staff - (Event Details | Add to Calendar | Webex Link)

IMF Staff - (Event Details | Add to Calendar | Webex Link)


Steven M. Harner, M.S.W., Psy.D. works primarily with children, teenagers and their families on issues related to depression and trauma, ADHD, problems at school, acting-out, and suicide prevention. While focusing on helping parents understand their own expertise with their children, his approach is solution focused and straightforward. Dr. Harner’s clinical expertise includes work with aggressive and potentially violent children, family and couples therapy, and clinical work related to children whose parents are divorcing. He has worked with the District of Columbia Courts and the American Psychological Association in establishing the first Office of The Parenting Coordinator in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. This program assists families affected by separation and divorce. As a Parent Coordinator (PC), Dr. Harner assists parents in identifying realistic and solution focused plans to help their children cope with divorce, while helping the adults resolve conflicts centered on the difficult task of parenting after divorce.


In Partnership with: WBG/IMF Health & Safety Directorate (HSD), World Bank Group Family Network, (WBGFN), IMF Family Association (IMFFA), WBG Staff Association (WBGSA), IMF Staff Association Committee (SAC), and MedStar Health.