Special Announcement


Get Involved—Youth Program Team

WBGFN programs and activities are run by our members for our members. Our volunteers are members from around the world who dedicate their time, talents and energy to giving back. Volunteering at WBGFN is not only a great opportunity to use your skills and experience for the benefit of the WBG and wider communities, but also to learn new skills, enhance your professional development, and boost your social life. WBGFN volunteers work in an extraordinarily wide range of positions, from event organization and database management to branding and graphic design. Browse the descriptions of what the main WBGFN teams do below and register to volunteer based on your personal and professional interests. These detailed descriptions are only to be used as a guide and can be adapted to suit the individual’s skill and time commitment...

Get Involved - Youth Program Team

Our team of enthusiastic volunteers organize a wide range of events and activities for kids, tweens, youth and their parents. Smaller events such as youth bowling parties, parent workshops, and seminars require only occasional help from volunteers; but for the two big events of the year to be a success, they require commitment of much time and effort from large teams of volunteers.

The Teen Summer Program (TSP) is a much sought after three-week program held every summer for teens (16-18) whose parents work at WBG, IMF or IADB. The program features speakers from the three organizations and offers the teenagers insight into the fields in which their parents work. Seminars, mock parliaments and town halls are some ways in which teens are taken down educational, creative and self-development avenues through which participants can explore, experience and benefit from on a lasting basis. Volunteers are involved in the planning from January to June, and then on the actual days of the event.

The WBGFN Children’s Holiday Party (CHP) is an annual event that takes place during the end-of-year holiday season, and is typically scheduled for either the first or second Saturday of December. The CHP takes place at the MC Atrium which is transformed into a fascinating wonderland for children, where activities, games, snacks, music and live entertainment are offered to the 800-900 attendees during a fun-filled afternoon.

Browse the Youth Team volunteer positions