Special Announcement


Support—Headquarters—Health Insurance

Moving to Washington DC with the World Bank Group? Whether you are planning your move to DC, have just arrived or have been in the US for years, here is some important practical information to help guide you through the relocation process as a WBG spouse/partner. For detailed information, read our Welcoming Handbook, attend our information seminars and welcoming events posted on our Activities page. Join our WBF Buddy Whatsapp Group for Newcomers to DC for practical information, tips and support in real time, anytime. Send an email to wbfnwelcoming@worldbank.org

Support—Headquarters—Health Insurance

Health insurance is of vital importance to people living in the US. WBG staff members, their spouse/partner and dependent children are usually covered by the WBG’s medical insurance plan (MIP). Currently the WBG’s medical insurance is provided by Aetna, dental insurance by Cigna and vision insurance through Eyemed. The staff member should sign up himself/herself as well as dependent family members at the time of signing the contract with HR. Each family member (including the staff) will receive their own cards for each of the above companies. In addition to these three cards, another card for each member is received from CVS, the pharmacy where prescriptions can be filled at WBG negotiated rates. The delivery of healthcare in the US can be quite different from that in your home country.

Understanding the MIP and finding good healthcare providers are the essential first steps upon arrival in the Washington DC area. The staff member will be introduced to the WBG MIP at their Onboarding session (the orientation given to new staff). Spouses/Partners can attend one of the quarterly WBFN Spouse Orientation Programs, similar to the Onboarding sessions. To learn more about the WBG MIP contact HR and WBFN Welcoming Team (WBFNwelcoming@worldbank.org)  for immediate help.  

Please note that STTs and STCs are not eligible to enroll in the WBG MIP and must purchase a policy themselves by enrolling in the US Affordable Health Care or a global healthcare plan from their home country.

Spouses/Partners can subscribe to the WBG Health Services Department’s e-newsletter, HealthBeat, by clicking here. It provides relevant information regarding healthcare as well as details of upcoming health seminars.

We advise all WBG staff and families to ask relatives/friends from overseas to purchase a comprehensive travel insurance before visiting you in the US. In case they need to be taken to a doctor, a hospital emergency department, or need to be hospitalized, they can negotiate with their travel insurance company the extent to which their medical expenses will be covered. By doing this, the WBG staff member and/or spouse/partner will avoid being asked to be the guarantor (the medical establishment might ask for credit card information, for instance) for all medical expenses incurred!

Handbook for Moms to be in DC Area 2021

This handbook was created by moms for moms for the Washington, DC metropolitan area. All of us moms have struggled a little bit at some stage in this journey to motherhood. We want to let you know that you do not have to do this alone and therefore want to give you the important information that is often not easily accessible. Please click here to download a pdf copy.