Special Announcement


New Arrivals

The Family Network's  Welcoming team consists of an enthusiastic group of volunteers who help newly arrived spouses/domestic partners and single WBG staff families with relocating and settling in to the Washington DC area. Having been in the same transitional situation they understand what you are experiencing and would love to meet with you. Please feel free to drop by the WBFN office any weekday from Monday to Thursday and connect with a member of the team. Please call the WBFN office at     (202-473-8751) whenever you plan to come so we can ensure a team member is available. Or send an email to wbfnwelcoming@worldbank.org for any information you require as you relocate to Washinton DC.

November 14, 2024
Members' Corner
Members' Corner
Do you still have some questions related to your relocation? Or simply want to socialize? Come on and connect with us...
More Info
WBFN Office
1818 H St NW Suite MC4-200
Main Complex of HQ 4th fl suite 200
DC 20433
Virtual Welcoming Information Session (WIS)
For the benefit of our members who have not yet relocated to WB HQ, we organized this special virtual WIS to answer your questions.
More Info
Virtual By Webex
November 12, 2024
Welcoming Session
Welcoming Information Session
For all newcomers or even if you have been in the area, this is a great way to learn about relocation to Washington, DC.
More Info
WBFN Office
1818 H St NW Suite MC4-200