Special Announcement


Childhood Obesity: The Parent’s Toolkit

HSD’s Health & Wellness team would like to invite you to participate in an upcoming wellness session, Childhood Obesity: The Parent’s Toolkit. Led by licensed nutritionist Lynnette Simpson, CNS, LN, we will discuss how to address and prevent childhood obesity. Find out how you can model healthy behaviors, reduce sugar, promote exercise, understand and inform your family on basic nutrition facts, establish good habits, handle the picky eater, and engage in fun activities to reinforce healthy eating. This practical and interactive session will provide evidence-based recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization.

Childhood Obesity: The Parent’s Toolkit

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

9:00am Washington, DC | 1:00pm West African countries | 4:00pm Sofia | 9:00pm Singapore

Speaker: Lynnette Simpson, CNS, LN, WBG

Moderator: Isidora Sasser

(Event Details | Add to Calendar | Webex link)

Meeting number: 2314 736 3640 | Password: piKjmDcW785

Part of HSD’s overall health and wellness program, "The Preventive Plan" (TPP), delivered through WBG vendor U.S. Preventive Medicine (USPM), provides staff, retirees, and eligible depend​ents age 18 and older with additional health support services. TPP is implemented through a mobile app which offers a health assessment, personalized health recommendations, access to electronic/telephone health coaching, and health education support through a library of videos and written articles. The goal is to help you improve your personal health and wellness by taking small, consistent steps towards healthier behaviors​. The support provided by TPP is based on evidence from medical and health-related research.​


Join the conversation: Health Promotion Yammer Channel

If you need more information, please contact HSD's Health Promotion Unit via healthpromotion@worldbank.org. They are here to help you and regularly present educational webinars and programs on a range of topics.

Nutritious Wishes and Healthy Behaviors!!