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Mosaic was the printed version of WBFN monthly pubication sent to all members; it was discontinued in 2014. Should you be interested pdf versions are made available to our members in our Mosaic Archives.
Over the past two years, the WBG Family Network has welcomed 162 new members to the Washington DC area. Unlike the pre-COVID era, many of them were not even in the United States...
Let’s go back to where the story began. With the rapid expansion of the World Bank in the late 60’s, also came about poignant stories of bank families facing difficult resettlements.
In May 2021 headlines around the world were highlighting the Covid-19 crisis in India. The WBG had to think about the welfare of thousands of staff and family members who had returned to India
I am honored to continue the legacy of the DAPP. My role as DAPP Coordinator is the cumulative of the experienced I have acquired professionally and in quasi-professional moments.
A regular day at the WBGFN office: English classes in session, conversations and interactions; only, it was eighteen months ago. Little did anybody know that we were about to venture into the unknown world of online teaching...
Two WBGFN members share with us the personal stories of meeting their families after the confinement. As globally mobile families, we are getting “used to” being away from our families for extended periods of time.
No decision to move away from family, friends, career is ever taken lightly. However, the reality of our choices often feels like it’s more than we bargained for...
After living couped up inside for two months with a toddler and a baby, my husband and I decided to travel to our home-country to be closer to family while braving the COVID-19 Pandemic...