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Mosaic was the printed version of WBFN monthly pubication sent to all members; it was discontinued in 2014. Should you be interested pdf versions are made available to our members in our Mosaic Archives.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) stand as cornerstones of the World Bank’s mission to cultivate a fair and equitable workplace that reflects diverse global communities.
The transition from the old to the new marks not only the passing of time but also the promise of a fresh start—a canvas upon which we can remember, celebrate, and dream anew.
Over 65 individuals complete the World Bank Family Network Career Lab sessions each year. These remarkable individuals are the spouses of World Bank employees...
In the final installment of our three-part series exploring Ritu Banga’s life and aspirations, we ask about her journey since her husband assumed the role of World Bank President.
I arrived just before Christmas, which is Brazil’s summer, the end of the school year, and when people generally head from the cities to the beach. Wonderful, I thought—how exciting that the seasons and even vacations were turned on their heads.
In Part 2 of our exploration into Ritu’s remarkable journey and insights, she shares her perspective on the significance of family support and community.