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Mosaic was the printed version of WBFN monthly pubication sent to all members; it was discontinued in 2014. Should you be interested pdf versions are made available to our members in our Mosaic Archives.
I had one of the best experiences in my life, I embarked for Cambodia with several Latin friends, with the aim of knowing the different projects that Battampore NGO has created in Battambang.
The World Bank Group Family Network is very proactive when it comes to supporting victims affected by gender-based violence and as a community that is made up of individuals coming from many countries....
If you are preparing to move to another posting for the World Bank with your family, you may want to reflect on what it means to be the Leaver and how your departure can impact those you leaving behind.
We asked two spouses, Isabel and Dustin to share their stories of how they have managed the dual career challenge as they relocate with their staff spouses to the various World Bank Country Offices.
Imagine answering knock on the door and being greeted with a warm and reassuring smile in a new country. Now imagine, the last knock on a door you recall was one urging you to quickly pack a bag.....