Special Announcement



Mosaic was the printed version of WBFN monthly pubication sent to all members; it was discontinued in 2014. Should you be interested pdf versions are made available to our members in our Mosaic Archives.

If WBGFN was a Movie

If WBGFN was a movie
Date: March 01, 2021
Life is like a movie... especially to us, globally mobile families, to whom life often writes the most improbable scenarios.

Same, Same But Different…The Challenges of...

Same, Same But Different…The Challenges of Relocating as a Same Sex Couple with Children
Date: February 15, 2021
Accompanying your partner/spouse overseas presents unexpected challenges and partners/spouses in this position often experience the loss of one’s sense of worth, and professional identity.....

Say Your Name, Your Real Name: my Back-to-School...

Say Your Name, Your Real Name: my Back-to-School Advice for Roll Call
Date: February 01, 2021
You sigh as you watch your teacher struggle over a name. She didn’t even have to utter a sound. It has to be you. 

In Memoriam: Anubhuti Srivastava

Anubhuti Srivastava
Date: January 15, 2021
In Memoriam: Anubhuti Srivastava 

Whose Career – Yours, Mine or Ours?

Whose Career
Date: January 15, 2021
Whose career – yours, mine or ours? is a fundamental question that every dual career couple needs to answer.

Finding a job in COVID Times

Finding a job in COVID times carousel
Date: January 15, 2021
What makes a job search in COVID times different?  The key difference is that companies are going through a period of uncertainty...

in memoriam: Elaine Wolfensohn

Elaine Wolfensohn w/ Chantale Holzmann and Hada Zaidan
Date: December 15, 2020
in memoriam: Elaine Wolfensohn - Our deepest sympathy and condolences to her family.

Our Country Office Visits—Travels in Lockdown

Thursday Travels to our Country Offices
Date: December 15, 2020
Our journey of Thursday Travels is a unique experience and the mine of information that no travel guide can unveil! 

Musings on…. life is a roller coaster (more than...

Musings on…. life is a roller coaster (more than ever)!
Date: December 01, 2020
Probably never, have we looked so much into the future and change like we have this year. The crowned microscopic virus has had macro global consequences and turned our lives upside down...