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Mosaic was the printed version of WBFN monthly pubication sent to all members; it was discontinued in 2014. Should you be interested pdf versions are made available to our members in our Mosaic Archives.
It’s time to move! The words I had been expecting for a while, but yet, was unprepared for. As WBG families, many of us know this feeling all too well.
A friend of mine once told me I was addicted to change. And while I do like some stability in my life, it is true that I get lost in the excitement of a new beginning...
It is no secret that being a parent is hard; beautiful, but nonetheless hard. We feel our children’s pain and discomfort as our own and try to protect them from the world around them
For many of us in the Family Network, our fondest memories are those shared with other transplants in a country and culture quite different from our own.
WBG Family Network: a Diverse Global Community- In DC and in duty stations our members come together to support each other, learn from each other, and build community.
When it comes to the globally mobile life, there is no doubt that the accompanying spouse, both male and female, faces more challenges than the employee