Special Announcement

WBFN Thematic Group Discussions


Supporting Our Elderly Parents in the Age of COVID

a video of the session can be seen here

How can we make more meaningful connections and informed decisions that relate to family matters, especially for our elderly parents, in the age of COVID?  In this session, we will explore how we can use our international transition experiences to strengthen and navigate our family relationships during these difficult times. This session was given on Wednesday, September 23 2020

Kids, Decision Fatigue, and Separation Anxiety during Reopening

A video of the session can be seen here

The need to constantly make decisions, with little and confusing information, leaves us feeling depleted of energy and diminishes our decision-making abilities. It increases our sense of lack of control and anxiety. At the same time, our kids are starting to feel anxious about separating; after getting used to being by our side and knowing our very move, they’ll have to readjust to the uncertainty that comes from trusting other adults.  We’ll discuss the challenges ahead and how to prepare for them while taking care of ourselves in order to care for our children. This session was given on Wednesday, July 29 2020

The Power of Relationships:  Part I 

A video of the session can be seen here
Neuroscience research shows a powerful influence that relationships have on our emotional and physiological health.  In this session, we will examine ways in which we can increase the positive effects and minimize the negative consequences our relationship may have on our health and well-being as well as, strengthen and grow in the time we spend together and apart. This session was presented on Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Power of Relationships:  Part II 

A video of the session can be seen here

Recent public health measures have increased our physical closeness with family members at home which may bring about challenges and conflict.  In this session, we will explore communication techniques and strategies to defuse difficult situations at home. This session was held on Wednesday, September 9, 2020