What-to-make-for-dinner need never be the eternal problem! Enjoy making these distinctive dishes with the recipes sent in by our members from all over the world. They reflect the rich cultural and geographical diversity of the members of the Family Network, many of whom have joined WBFN’s International Cuisine Group in Washington DC to try out exotic gastronomic fare once a month. In fact, WBFN invites you to start a Cuisine Group at your location too and have lots of fun with other local members while extending your culinary repertoire. And don’t forget … if you would you like to share some of your personal recipes, we would love to feature them on this page too. Please forward your own original recipes in a ‘Word’ document and photos in the ‘jpeg’ format to the familynetwork@worldbank.org
A Light and Buttery Cookie good for an afternoon tea or espresso.