Special Announcement



Recently arrived in DC? Here is a quick look at essential events and activities to help you with your relocation process this fall.

Career Orientation for the Career Lab

September 11 & 18


Confused about how to re-establish your career after relocation? Or, do you have clear goals but lack resume and interview experience in the US work culture? Find out how the Career Lab can help you.

(Note: Registration is now full, but because there are always people who drop out before the stated date, it’s definitely worth putting your name on the waiting list.)


Spouse/Partner Orientation

September 19


This is a must-attend event for every new arrival. You will learn the basics regarding all the paperwork needed to settle in, how the WBFN can help you, WBG benefits, etc. An action-packed morning where you get the big picture!  And don’t forgetyou will meet other new people you can network with.


Work Authorization G-4 Visas for Spouse/Partners

September 25


One of the biggest hurdles for new arrivals is the paperwork to get their work authorization. All the steps and requirements are explained in detail in this seminar.


English Classes



Study with other recently arrived members who share the same needs for language skills to deal with housing, schools, paperwork, health, job-seeking…and general communication. Classes are two mornings per week at the WBG. If you plan on taking the Career Lab later in the year, these classes will give you an excellent foundation for this next step.


Do you have a child with special needs?

If so, we have a support group you can join, and members who can help you locate resources for your child. This support service is also for adults, such as a parent who has accompanied you, with chronic illness.


Meanwhile, read about our Disabilities Program:

Launching the Disabilities Program


And some personal stories by members:

Autistic or Not, He’s My Son


An Invisible Handicap




On October 8, we will be having a conference on the topic of parenting kids and teenagers with mental health problems, such as depression, and suicidal thoughts. Keep an eye out for information coming soon.


Thematic Sessions


These are monthly sessions to support career development. Regular topics include LinkedIn, Excel, Project Management, and How to Start a Business. We’ll be announcing the next session in September.





Carla is the person you need to know. She will help you find a position for all your talents and skills. For many of us, volunteering has been a pathway to making friends and creating a community along with resume-building and networking…No kidding - there are so many benefits!

The @-a-Glance Newsletter

If you are not getting this already, contact Mimi or Paul at the main number (202 473 8751) to learn how to receive this twice monthly, short electronic newsletter that highlights our current activities and events.

Alex Alba
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