Special Announcement


From the Presidents' desk—November 2019

Dear WBG Family Members,

One of the DNA threads of our Family Network is to support the emotional well-being of accompanying spouses. Together, we build the safety net to support each other when facing the challenges of relocation: reorienting in new locations, adjusting ourselves career-wise, juggling with the constraints of travelling spouses, or embracing role changes within our households.

As part of this endeavor, we are actively participating in the IFC’s Movember activities, supporting male spouses’ wellbeing.  If you are in DC on November 12th, come and meet us at IFC, bring your spouse or friend who could benefit by connecting with us, and learn more about how the WBG Family Network supports male spouses’ wellbeing by providing a social network, career guidance, family consultation and counseling. You might want to check out the moustache challenge before you come.

On a different note, the MMEG International Arts & Craft Fair is just around the corner. The proceeds of the fair go to Margaret McNamara Educational Grants, a partner of WBFN, which supports the education of women in developing countries. So please, come to the fair on November 12-14 in the MC Building to shop for the holidays from vendors from around the world—your purchases will make a difference to a woman’s life, and the lives she touches.

Last, but certainly not least, November is traditionally the month in the US for giving thanks. We do not want to miss this opportunity to express our immense gratitude to the people who work hard to make sure the WBG families receive the welcome, support and advocacy they need worldwide. Please join us to thank the WBFN teams, past and present. Without the gift of their time and talent, and without their engagement and generosity, the support we benefit from would not exist. By the way, if you want to join them, they would love to have you on board!

To those who celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving!

With our warmest regards,

Padmini and Marie-Noëlle
WBFN Presidents
November 2019