Special Announcement


From the Presidents' desk—December 2019


Throughout the year, across all cultures, we have many reasons and occasions to celebrate. Celebrations bring countries, religions and communities together.

This time of year too we enjoy many festivities in North America and other parts of the world. We just celebrated Thanksgiving in the US, which is a good time to express gratitude for all the gifts we have in our lives. Our unique gift is that we are part of the diverse and culturally rich WBFN community. 

In a few weeks in DC the annual Children’s Holiday Party at HQ will take place. This joyous event attracts about a 1000 visitors and is the fruit of the effort of a 100 volunteers. Our volunteers are our beating heart—they are the ones who make WBFN a reality by forming a chain of receiving and giving back. We hope that you will also volunteer to help build a strong and vibrant  WBFN community wherever you are. 

How do you celebrate? We would love to hear about your celebrations around the world, so please share your events in words or pictures with us. 

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season! 

Padmini and Marie-Noëlle
WBFN Presidents
December 2019