Special Announcement


From the Presidents' desk—September 2020

September 2020

Dear WBFN members, 
Before we realized it, we are in September! Well, let’s make it a September to remember! Across the world, schools are reopening and the long lull of summer is coming to an end. Unfortunately, there is no end to the pandemic in sight.  Without dwelling further on the negative, let’s turn to the positive. 
The first day of a new academic year evokes many pleasant memories! New text books, note books,  pencils, new classrooms and new friends! Perhaps, its time for us to channel our inner child and student. Learning a new skill, enrolling for a course, focusing on the self, what better time to do this than now. As long as we maintain and nurture our curiosity in the world around us, we remain young.
As the saying goes, Knowledge is Power.  Based on research, at a physiological level, learning new skills stimulates neurons in the brain, which in turn creates more neural routes and allows electrical impulses to travel faster across them. Learning something new literally makes your brain more powerful and faster. When you allow yourself to learn something new, it also allows you to develop a new mindset. In the present circumstances, this is a key skill to acquire. No one wants this current situation to continue, but this is the new normal and we have no choice but to learn to adapt to it. Not only that, you will recharge your batteries and feel refreshed. The confidence you acquire will give you a boost of happy hormones! 
What new venture have you embarked on over the past few months? Do share your experiences with us and help our community get inspired. Write to us at familynetwork@worldbank.org and tell us your story about your long Covid summer. 
With our warmest wishes, 
Padmini and Sara 
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