Special Announcement


From the Presidents’ Desk—June 2019

Dear Fellow Spouses and Partners, 

We hope this message finds you all well.

In May, you elected the WBFN Executive Committee for FY20. We want to take this opportunity to thank and recognize the work of the outgoing EC members. They have worked tirelessly to make sure that the vision and mission of WBFN were carried forward successfully. Despite their very busy schedules, they found time to be present for our members and we are deeply thankful for that.

A big thank-you as well to the incoming Executive Committee members for agreeing to take the baton and to continue the journey to support our community. They will start their mandate in July.

This month, we would like to talk about home. What is home for people who relocate and travel so much? This is a tricky question for our families: we move a lot, spending years in places that have little connection to our native countries, and our kids may be born and grow up in several different cultures, none of them ours. Each of us thus develops his or her own definition of home.

We all know how important it is to discuss this topic with our partner, our parents, and our kids, and how challenging this discussion can be. This month, we will share resources to support these reflections on WBFN communication channels. We hope you will find those useful.

We would love if you could share with us what home is for you. We strongly believe this could help others to move forward on their own path. Our community is rich with shared experience and this one is one of the deepest ones.

Thank you,
With our warmest regards
Loubna and Marie-Noëlle
WBFN President
June 2019