Special Announcement


Annual Dinner address by Lorenzo Alia

Lorenzo address at the Annual Dinner image

Lorenzo addressed the Annual Dinner on May 18, 2017:

Good evening everyone, my name is Lorenzo and, let me say I am proof that the World Bank Family Network is achieving gender diversity. (As far as I know I am the first man to be president at WBFN!)

I am a project and program manager professional and I moved to D.C.from Italy seven months ago with my family. We were, and actually still are pretty new in the town, and I would like to thank the Family Network for the support I have received since I arrived, with settling in and all the practical issues that we are faced with, and also because WBFN has given me the opportunity to meet inspiring people!

I love the name World Bank Family Network. It underlines we are a network even more than an association. We are a significant and well-structured network of people supporting and advocating on behalf of WBG spouses, partners and families worldwide. A family network, a social network, a professional network.

My professional background relates to the private sector, and I am impressed with the professionalism of our volunteers. It is clear to me the effort spent in the past by this organization to perfect the support provided to our members. If possible, I would like to improve our services even more, strengthening our internal processes and redefining our governance. My idea is that the members should be engaged in the same way I have been, letting them see the added value provided by the Family Network and its people. This means also improving our visibility and renovating our marketing strategy, diversifying our support to reach different groups of members (for example men), and taking care of their specific needs.
The Family Network is a crucial resource for the Bank, for the families, the members and the volunteers, and we need your support to spread the word about the impressive role our organization plays inside and outside the Bank. We love to be your people anytime, anywhere. An astonishing year is awaiting us and I am looking forward to working with Loubna and all of you to make WBFN better.

Stay connected, you will be hearing from us soon!

Thank you