Special Announcement


Integrity, Trust, Honesty, Respect

WBFN Impact/Advocacy - Integrity, Trust, Honesty, Respect

Ethics Recent events sponsored by the Ethics Office have been enhanced by a welcome touch of sweetness—in the form of chocolates, their shiny wrappers marked “Integrity,” “Trust,” “Honesty” or “Respect.” Behavioral scientists would call these candies “environmental cues,” because they serve to remind us of the kind of behavior to aim for, and they reinforce messages delivered through other, less delicious, routes.
WBFN has, since 2000, advocated through its Domestic Abuse Task Force for practical steps to minimize harm to WBG families struggling with abusive relationships. We are working with management to refine and implement a comprehensive plan to educate staff and families about domestic abuse, and provide help for those who are in abuse situations.
An essential foundation for the overall program is the—almost completed—review of the WBG Code of Professional Conduct, “Living our Values,” as well as staff disciplinary procedures. This will, for the first time, incorporate respectful domestic relationships into the realm of ethical behaviors on which the WBG demonstrates it places a high value, and expects its workforce to honor.
This important progress, of which all should be justly proud, would have been impossible without the efforts of one particular staff member, Mr Lee Grassley. Lee brought fresh vigor to Ethics a year ago, when he joined the office after it had gone through a turbulent period. Lee has cooperated tirelessly with the WBFN Domestic Abuse Task Force, and within the new Bank Domestic Abuse Network, to help further our goals, and has also been most instrumental in reviving the Bank’s efforts to curb the related problem of sexual harassment in the workplace, through regular staff trainings. In addition, during CRS week this past October, the Office of Ethics and Business Conduct (EBC) and WBFN co-sponsored a panel workshop, “Bank Ethics and the Family.”
WBFN salutes Mr. Grassley for his huge contribution to the promotion of good old Family Values such as Integrity, Trust, Honesty, and especially Respect, within the WBG. These are the very same basic values of fairness that are so vital for ultimate realization of the Bank’s vision—a world free of poverty.

WBFN Domestic Abuse Task Force
First published in the January 2004 issue of Mosaic